
Paid episode

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Pentecost ("50th Day")

Chagim: Shavuot ("Weeks")

Due to the upcoming holiday(s), this post is a little different. Below I explain the larger vision of what this Substack publication is all about and towards the end I will introduce you to the holiday reading for the remembrance of the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai (Shavuot) and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). I also include some additional explanation and devotional commentary for this holiday reading.

Click on the image above to read my 1st blog post invitation. Below is access to my 3rd post describing more of the vision journeying together.

Biblical faith is nurtured by access not only into the words of the Bible but access deeper into the heart of God. The author writing to the Jewish believing community said this,

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

That’s why one of my initiatives involves promoting Biblical literacy such as what you will read about below.

Click on the image above to go to the Faith for ALL portal for Biblical literacy promoting Relational depth for Kingdom breadth!

The first installment of this Scripture for ALL initiative is the Parashah Project which is a Jesus-centered, bite-sized Bible study and teaching tool built in weekly installments that correspond to the ancient Jewish reading cycle of the Tanach—the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.

Click on the image above to go to the Parashah Project.

On the Parashah Project home page, there is a short video that introduces and explains the Project. I also suggest a reading strategy that allows you to invest 6 days in structured Bible reading followed by one day of community fellowship and Sabbath rest.

What I try to provide you with is Scriptural scaffolding to help you go deeper into God’s Word and understand His ways of pursuing relationship with fallen human beings. I call this type of understanding reading the Bible with Tanachian Optics that help you cultivate a Biblical worldview. Click on the image below to see the short video that ends with this explanation of 4 + 1 + 1 + Rest Day!

The annual cycle of this ancient Jewish lectionary fits 54 portions into 52 weeks which requires some weeks containing a double portion. This schedule of readings gets further “crowded” by the inclusion of replacement readings on holidays. These holidays offer opportunities to remember God’s savings deeds in history and stoke the flames of hope for God’s saving deeds in the future. All this is intended to give us access into the power of God through abiding intimacy with the heart of God. Nowhere is this more visible that in the remembrance of Pentecost, that was itself a Biblically prescribed remembrance of God’s covenant with Israel at Mt. Sinai and the giving of the Torah.

Pentecost is a Greek word meaning “50th Day” and points to the Hebrew reality of Shavuot which is a Hebrew word meaning “Weeks”.

Thus, welcome to all who have joined this journey into an ancient rhythm of Bible reading that is already developed and freely accessible through the Parashah Project. For those who want to go deeper, below is the first installment of Holiday reading commentaries. I plan to continue to publish not only additional holiday reading commentaries, but a host of other Biblical literacy resources and tools to promote Relational depth for Kingdom breadth!

Upgrade your subscription to read this Shavuot commentary and go deeper…

The full video is for paid subscribers