A personal invitation
Connect with a growing community on a journey of Relational depth for Kingdom breadth!
This publication advances the work of Dr. Thomas L. Boehm and will supplement and complement the following three integrated website platforms:
TLBoehm: This is my personal website that is the overarching umbrella for all of my Kingdom-building initiatives including both scholarly and practical. My life message is Relational depth for Kingdom breadth which is conveyed by the acronym RD4KB. (Actually, if you enter www.rd4kb.com in your browser, you will get to this same website.)
Faith for ALL: This is my primary non-profit website carrying the practical work forward to promote relationally driven biblical faith for ALL. This means we work to make relationships and communities accessible and inclusive by grounding actions and attitudes in the Word of God.
Parashah Project: This website is an interactive and free online devotional commentary I wrote years ago to help people access and engage the traditional Jewish lectionary rhythm of Scripture.
Please subscribe below with either a free or paid subscription to join this growing community of Advocates committed to promoting Relationally-Driven Biblical Faith for ALL!
Also, if you want to engage me on my scholarly platform, please click on the following image: