
Lech L'Cha (Go Forth, Yourself!)

3) Genesis 12-17

Welcome to the start of a new week. This is the third week in the new Jewish lectionary reading cycle.

The name of this week’s portion is Lech L’Cha, meaning literally, “Go forth, yourself!” This is what God said to Abraham (still Abram at that point) when relationally engaging this middle-eastern man to functionally become a new type of Noah to restore “rest” on the earth.

Abraham responded in faith by trusting God’s leading to go where He would lead. Abraham trusted and walked by faith rather than sight. God did not give Abraham a map to follow. He didn’t give him GPS coordinates on which to rely. God led him relationally and guided him into the promised land. Abraham’s roadmap was not informational. His roadmap was relational.

In these posts, I want to help you engage God and His Word in ways that deepen your soul-rest, accelerate your growth, and encourage you to love and good deeds! Specifically, I am promoting:

Relationally-Driven Biblical Faith for ALL!

For this publication to be relationally-driven, however, I want to ask something of you. Would you take just a moment and post a comment in reaction to this post? Please post a brief comment on what appeals to you about any of the ideas in this publication—perhaps a question that you have about anything I’ve written, or anything else that is “top of mind” after reading this. Perhaps just note whether you have engaged the Parashah Project yet or not.

In addition to giving feedback through comments, we are also looking to help readers engage with each other and with the weekly scripture readings.

As always, the upcoming Scripture readings for the week are noted below with a link to the Parashah Project where you can access the devotional commentary as a helpful guide.

Don’t forget, please comment below and share to help promote Relationally-driven Faith for ALL!

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Readings for the Week:

Torah: GENESIS 12:1–17:27
Prophets: ISAIAH 40:27–41:16
Apostolic Writings: ROMANS 4:1–25

Click HERE for the online Parashah commentary.



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