What are you zealous about?
In last week's post, I reflected on my hunger to hear the Voice of God in the Word of God. This week, I want to reflect on being zealous. Being zealous for something is similar to being passionate about that thing. So, what are you passionate about?
In my almost three decades of walking with the God of my fathers, I have learned to be passionate about the things that God is passionate about. I have learned to yield to the power of God’s Spirit to transform my mind (Romans 12:2) so I can think, live, and love like God does.
I have learned that there is deep blessing—RD4KB blessings of intimacy with my Maker—in being zealous about the things God is zealous about.
The God of the Bible—Who is Love (1 John 4:16)—is zealous about His honor.
Sentimental instincts might view a preoccupation with honor as coming from a place of insecurity. Sacramental instincts, however—shaped by a Tanachian worldview—learns that a preoccupation with the honor of God comes from a holy place of divine wisdom. And this divine wisdom comes from the very throne—and heart—of God.
I am zealous for this holy divine wisdom. You too?
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
— Proverbs 9:10
Knowledge of the Holy One does not merely refer to the shallow horizon line of informational content. Instead, knowledge of the Holy One involves deep soul-satisfying access to the ocean of God’s love. Accessible by faith, this divine and holy love invites us into transformational relational intimacy for which we were created.
The informational is transformational only when it is relational.
The fear of God draws us closer toward God. All other fears drive us away from Him
Phinehas exemplifies one filled with the fear of God. Phinehas was the priestly grandson of Aaron from the house of Levi. His dad was Aaron’s son, Eleazar, who had learned a painful lesson back in Leviticus 10 when two of his brothers suffered the inevitable consequences of being led by their desires rather than God's will.
Phinehas had faith-fueled fear of God and had learned to be passionate about God’s honor. Look at the opening verses of this week’s parashah, named after this key priestly leader:
The Lord said to Moses, “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. Since he was as ZEALOUS for my HONOR among them as I am…(Numbers 25:10-11)
Phineas-like zeal has always intrigued me. I see this zeal in my son and pray into this every week.
Friday night in the Boehm Home includes holy Shabbat traditions. One of my favorite traditions—and the most powerful—is praying over my wife and children before the meal. After the candles are lit and our table (and ourselves) are set apart into God’s holy time, I go around the table laying hands and praying over each one (sometimes, however, I “batch” these prayers according to gender for time-sake when the kids are getting hungry and restless!).
I often pray the zeal of Phinehas over Max. Do you want more of this zeal for God’s honor?
While it might be tempting to be offended by the gruesome scene portrayed in the opening of this parashah, don’t. Don't be distracted or offended by Phineas and his actions. His zeal has something to teach us on our path to being more loving in a way that reflects God and upholds His holiness.
Holiness relates to honor. In many of our recent portions, God has spoken clearly about the holiness of God and the essentialness of faith/trust.
God is not only holy, He is good. In fact, His character defines the essence of what is good. But in the end, like in the beginning in the Garden, He wants us to trust and follow Him rather that our own judgments and ideas about what is good. We were created to eat from the Tree of Life, not our own understanding that comes from eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
Dive into God’s Word this week with zeal! He blessed Phinehas’ zeal with peace (Num. 25:12) and a priesthood (Num. 25:13). His zeal for God’s honor is the reason for the blessing!
…because he was ZEALOUS for the HONOR of his God and made atonement for the Israelites. (Numbers 25:13)
God promises to bless those who seek Him with all their heart. Furthermore, God’s ultimate blessing is the Presence of God Himself. His love is irresistible.
He is zealous for you. How reciprocal is your love for Him?
Readings for the Week:
Torah: NUMBERS 25:10–29:40 [30:1 TANACH]
Prophets: 1 KINGS 18:46–19:21
Apostolic Writings: REVELATION 19:11–21
Click HERE for the online Parashah commentary. (If you prefer a printed copy, please email me at thomas@faithforall.org)