Parashah Project Relaunching!
Would you like to reengage with the Parashah Project and some new resources I think you'll like? I am (re)launching this project with a whole new spin...
It’s been awhile since I’ve sent out any communication from the Parashah Project.
The last two years have been unprecedented—the likes of which we have never seen in our lifetime. Natural and unnatural phenomena are escalating at an unimaginable pace leaving many people shaken, confused and in many cases uncertain about the future. Now more than ever foundations must be checked, reinforced and in some cases constructed anew. This is the time to connect to the roots of your faith.
Faith must be rooted and grounded in God and His Word. It is time to regain confidence in the future by remembering the past and taking action in the present that will dictate the resolve we need to build trust for a confident future.
While I’ve not been in touch lately, I have been very busy. Below, I’d like to share with you two of these things. Additionally, I want to invite you to either reengage with me or feel free to unsubscribe if you’d rather not.
The Parashah Project
One thing I’ve done recently is to create this new 5-minute “orientation video” to help folks engage this Project.
I am also working on additional resources to help make this free online devotional commentary more accessible and helpful in building in-person community. If you want to receive regular parashah related emails, you don’t have to do anything — you are already an Advocate by being on this mailing list. As such, I will use this newsletter to resource you and encourage you in your walk with God.
Hebrew Treasure
My friend Steve Allen recently wrote a new devotional called The Psalm 119 Journey and asked me to develop a resource called Hebrew Treasure to help dig deeper into the rich reservoir of truth and revelation of this acrostic psalm through the lens of the original Hebrew.
In the coming days, I will be posting updates through this Scripture for ALL newsletter/blog. I will begin by sharing the Hebrew Treasures I wrote for The Psalm 119 Journey and will also provide you with a link to get the book (fyi: I don’t receive any profits from the book).
You can respond in two ways:
In or Out? Decide whether you want to reengage with me in this project of engaging God’s Word through a Hebraic lens and pursuing Relational depth for Kingdom breadth. IF SO, please go to step 2. IF NOT, just “unsubscribe” below and I will remove your name from my list and not bother you again.
Tell a Friend. Please use the button below to share this with one or two friends who might appreciate The Parashah Project, Hebrew Treasures from Psalm 119, or other resources that will be forthcoming.