Journeys can be fun. They can also include challenges.
This week marks the end of the journey through the first four books of the Bible. Congratulations! While some of you may have faithfully read every verse and prayerfully mediated into spiritual bliss the whole way through—most of the rest of us have been somewhat inconsistent with an occasional spiritual high and a lot of ho-hums.
Regardless of how your journey has been these past 9 months, and even if you are just now joining us, I want to encourage you to recommit to daily Bible study to empower your faith-fueled obedient lifestyle of abiding intimacy with God—RD4KB style!
Journeys can be fun. They can also include challenges.
Part of the reason this post is so late getting out is because I was on a journey this past week. My family went on our first tent-camping adventure. As you can see from the picture below, we drove our large silver van, loaded with bikes, and took a ferry to an island where we spent a week tent camping with some of our closest friends (but without much wi-fi access)!

Cars, ferries, and bikes—oh my! Multiple modes of transportation!
This week is another double portion. The second portion, Mas’ei, begins in chapter 33 with a recounting of the 40-year journey. This journey included the original epic covenantal encounter at Mt. Sinai, the instruction and construction of the Tabernacle, and all the various interactions between God—Who is faithful, and the Israelites—who continue to struggle with unfaithfulness. Throughout the book of Numbers, God’s covenant community is learning to be more like Him — the One Who liberates from slavery to make a name for Himself.
God wants to use YOU to make His Name known in the world! As you trust and obey His leading in your life, your journey in this life is making a difference. While filled with challenges, God promises to always be with us and never forsake us. He is good and His love endures forever.
Readings for the Week (Double Portion):
Torah: NUMBERS 30:1 [2 TANACH]–32:42
Prophets: JEREMIAH 1:1–2:3
Apostolic Writings: ACTS 9:1–22
Torah: NUMBERS 33:1–36:13
Prophets: JEREMIAH 2:4–28; 3:4; 4:1–2
Apostolic Writings: JAMES 4:1–10
Click on the pictures above or the title name here for the online Parashah commentary for Matot and Mas’ei.